Here is 40 Computer Pranks And Fake Virus you can play with your friends pc or laptop to make pranks this will really surprised your ...

40 Computer Pranks And Fake Virus

 40 Computer Pranks And Fake Virus

Here is 40 Computer Pranks And Fake Virus you can play with your friends pc or laptop to make pranks this will really surprised your friends enjoy.

1. Add / Remove - Add/Remove is a cool prank that makes it appear that all of your software on your computer is being removed using the Windows Add/Remove Program feature. This is so real, that it will shock the most of the experienced user.
2. Avoid – It makes your Windows Start button avoid any mouse clicks. Just launch this program exe and watch as your Start button jumps away from your mouse cursor whenever you try to click on it.
3. Bomb – It will run the program you want to run, then after a delay for 5 second, it will display the BOMB message. This will simulate that the program you just ran is bombed.
4. Click Me – It will display a button on which you can never click with your mouse.
5. ClickStart – ClickStart is one of the cool Windows prank program which hides itself in the background and after every 45 seconds it will click on the start button causing the start menu to open. Users will be surprised when their start menu pops up, they will have no idea what is going on.
6. Clippy – It is a simulated office assistant that, when ran, will hide in the background for 1 minute then popup in the lower right hand corner of the screen and say something useless.
7. Copy Cursor – It replicates the current Windows mouse cursor over-and-over again on the screen. This is VERY annoying which makes it a great prank!
8. Crazy Num Caps Scroll – It will toggle the Num Lock, Caps Lock, or Scroll Lock keys at user defined intervals which makes the working of any user very annoying experience.
9. Create Message Pro – It allows you to configure and create stand alone .EXE files for distribution across your network or the Internet. It adds the ability to specify the message text, buttons to appear on the message, and the type of message icon that appears.
10. Cursor Fun – It will change the current mouse cursor to a user specified cursor. It allows you to choose which Windows cursor to change, what type of cursor to change it to.
11. Dirty Mouse – It is a windows prank that simulates the mouse ball is dirty. How many times have you tried to move your mouse and it does not move.
12. DownHoax – This is a great prank makes it appear as though an “unwanted” file is being downloaded from the Internet. DownHoax randomly chooses a site from its internal database of “undesirables” and proceeds to simulate downloading an equally distasteful file.
13. Email Fun – When executed, Email Fun displays a fake email screen complete with the To:, From:, Subject: and message contents. Then it immediately pretends to automatically type an email to everyone that is in your address book.
14. Fake Delete – Fake Delete simulates the deletion of all files/folders in the Windows directory or whichever directory is passed via the command line. Fake Delete uses the standard Windows delete dialog so it appears very realistic, and it cannot be disabled or stopped.
15. Fake Format – Fake Format mirrors the Windows “Format” functionality. Once the program is started, no matter which buttons are chosen, the program simulates formatting the specified drive.
16. Fake Shutdown – This prank program simulates what would occur when a user chooses to shut down Windows. Each screen was cautiously created to mirror the look of the actual Windows shutdown sequence.
17. Fake Start Menu – This program will replace the existing Windows 95 Start Menu (task bar). It will respond to nothing from the user.
18. Flasher – Flasher is a hidden prank program that allows you to flash any image to the computer screen, almost like a subliminal message.
19. Flip It – It will display a fake Windows message that appears to have flipped upside-down. Clicking on the YES button will slowly make each piece of text rotate 180 degrees until you can read it again.
20. Floppy Madness – Floppy Madness is a small prank program that will try and access the floppy drive at user specified intervals. If this does not seem fun, just download it and see.
21. Follow Me – When you execute this program, it will automatically hide in Windows and wait for your mouse cursor to move. Once your cursor moves, it automatically moves your Start Button to the same position, horizontally, on the Windows Task Bar.
22. Gas Gripe – This program will lead you through a series of price comparisons with other liquid products. With the help of a very clean interface, Gas Gripe will have you laughing in your chair as you watch the price per gallon go up with other products
23. HeadAche – A program that would instantly give you a headache, download and run to know how it produce a headache.
24. Message Manager Lite – Message Manager it will allow you to setup a message dialog to be displayed upon a network login. You can specify the text to be displayed, the image, the buttons (up to 9), and when to display the message.
25. Mouse Droppings – Watch as your mouse drops little black turds all over your screen, randomly. This is a great joke to play on an unsuspecting co-worker, you can even email this prank to a friend.
26. Mouse Move – Mouse Move is a a program that can run hidden to move the users mouse cursor to random positions on the screen.
27. MouseClicks – MouseClicks is a harmless gag program that allows you to disable the left, right or both mouse clicks every x seconds.
28. Password Prank – This program displays a fake, but very realistic, password box to the user. No matter what key the user presses, it starts typing in its own password. Once the password is entered an error message is displayed to the user telling them their password is not long enough.
29. Pirated Software – Pirated Software is a prank that emulates the standard software installation or setup. However, the installation walks you through the steps of installing illegal software.
30. Popup Prank – Popup Prank is a gag software program that allows you to simulate these online popup advertisements.
31. Print Me – When you launch Print Me the standard Windows Print dialog appears, no matter which button is pressed a fake print dialog screen displays to the user.
32. WAV Launcher – This is a hidden program launcher. It will launch a specified program or .wav file at user defined intervals.
33. Random Bumper – It is a hidden software program that will play gross burp sounds randomly every minute until closed.
33. ReplaceKeys – ReplaceKeys is a fun little prank that allows you to replace many keyboard keystrokes with different keyboard keystrokes.
34. Rotate – Rotate is a desktop manipulator that will randomly flip the desktop into all sorts of weird positions.
35. Screen Screw – Screen Screw does just that, it screws with your screen. When you launch Screen Screw it will appear as though your screen has some type of problem painting its colors.
36. Shakedown – Shakedown will take your current desktop and shake it violently, This will not only annoy you to death, but also give your eyes a good strain.
37. Show – Hide Desktop – Show – Hide Desktop is another fun Windows prank from RJL Software. This prank allows you to configure how often the desktop icons will hide and then show again.
38. The Finger – The Finger on an unsuspecting user and watch their reaction when the cursor changes to the middle finger and then back to normal again.
39. Time Traveler – Time Traveler is a devious little prank that changes the Windows system clock to a random time. To make matters worse, Time Traveler runs invisible in the background performing this task every 30 seconds.
40. Vista Upgrade Prank – The Vista Upgrade Prank starts by emulating the Windows Update service screen. Clicking the install or cancel button closes the update service window and appears to initiate the Vista Upgrade Advisor.
41. Y2K Joke – Y2K is a silly software program that spoofs all of the Y2K issues. It simulates fixing your BIOS, mouse, monitor, and even corrects your calendar problems by changing all letter Ys to letter Ks.
These all pranks are safe & designed just for entertainment purpose. Try with your friends and have fun.